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The Benefits of My Hobbies


Reading will help you become a more confident and self assured reader. comprehending and understanding all types of information will become easy.Reading has other benefits to the regular reader which is the ability to focus.When the mind is trained and channeled, it begins to pay attention more thoroughly.For example, when you are faced with some of life's difficult and challenging assignments, you will have the ability to stay calm and objectively look at the problem, circumstances or required task. If you continue to read, you continue to stay focused; bottom line.


running helps lower blood pressure by maintaining the elasticity of the arteries. As a person runs, his or her arteries expand and contract more than usual, keeping the arteries elastic and the blood pressure low. In fact, most serious runners have unusually low blood pressure. Running also helps maximize the lungs’ potential, as it keeps them strong and powerful. While deep breaths force the lungs to use more tissue, the 50% of normally unused lung potential is utilized. Even smokers can sometimes recover full lung potential through running. Finally, running strengthens the heart and helps prevent heart attacks.


Studies show that learning music can improve math and science skills, language skills, and increase spatial I.Q. Music also helps with language and memorization skills. Music Pictures, Images and Photos