Art started in the West mainly europeans were the ones who did it. Many believe that it started with the Renaissance and develpoed in the the greek form then the twentieth century. Art comes from all over the world and is used to tell about the past. many scientist have found many historical paintings and sculptures from every part of the world. many people inturpert art diffrentlely. to some art is paintins and sculptrues, to others it may be graffiti on the wall or tatoos on their bodies. no matter what we all have the same opinion and that is that art is beatuiful and should never be destroyed.
Arts Famous Artists-
Pablo picasso was born October 25 1881, Malaga, Spain . he started to paint at the age of eight like every child he would draw but his drawings were very diffrent from others. his father was an art teacher and would help picasso with his drawings and paintings, often giving him advice. Pablo participated in many things such as the local art show, newspapers, and he worked for the jury. no matter what he was always being watched.In 1896 Picasso's painting The First Communion had been included in a large exhibition in Barcelona.
Vincent van Gogh was born in Groot Zundert, The Netherlands on 30 March 1853. Van Gogh's birth came one year to the day after his mother gave birth to a first, stillborn child--also named 1868, Van Gogh left his studies at the age of 15 and never returned. The Van Gogh family had long been associated with the art world--Vincent's uncles, Cornelis and Vincent , were art dealers. His younger brother, Theo, spent his adult life working as an art dealer and, as a result, had a tremendous influence on Vincent's later career as an artist.
one of his most famous paintings would have to be the stars over the night sky. underneath are his most famous works.